House to House E-Newsletter
Dear Constituents,
Happy New Year!
I hope that you have had a happy, healthy and safe start to 2021. After a tumultuous 2020, I wish you health and prosperity in this New Year.
Conservative MPs had some success over the last year in improving the Liberal government’s COVID response programs. We also led a push to start an inquiry into the government’s pandemic response, passed a motion to stop the Liberal’s punishing audits of small businesses, pushed the Liberals to develop a COVID vaccine rollout plan. We also passed a motion giving the Liberals 30 days to finally make a decision about banning Huawei’s involvement in Canada’s 5G network, something they have been postponing for some time.
I am also happy to say that my friend and colleague MP Len Webber was successful in building bipartisan support for his Bill C-210. It has one step left to become reality but it had unanimous consent at Second Reading. The bill proposes to allow Canadians to indicate their intent to become an organ donor through their annual tax return.
Another accomplishment from our caucus was the success in MP Todd Doherty’s motion to create a national suicide hotline using 988 (more information below). I believe that the issue of Canadians’ mental health is still overlooked but it will become very important in 2021 as we look to recover from the pandemic.
I hope you’re looking out for your health both physical and mental, please call my office if we help you with accessing any federal government support programs that could help you get through this time.
In your service,
Jasraj Singh Hallan
Member of Parliament
Calgary Forest Lawn

Support Local Business and Charities
As we look forward to current restrictions ending on January 11, I want to continue to encourage everyone to support our local businesses. Many small business owners are struggling right now and need your help.
My staff and I are doing our part to both promote and help our local businesses, I hope you’ll join us.
My Conservative colleague Todd Doherty, MP is spearheading an effort to adopt the 988 emergency telephone number for a national suicide hotline. I support this initiative as we need to make it easier for those contemplating suicide to get timely help with an easy to remember number. Suicide is preventable.
If you need help, please reach out and ask for it: Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-833-456-4566 (phone) – 45645 (text) – (chat), Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 (phone), (chat).

Canada Summer Jobs 2021
The Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) 2021 application period is now open but only until January 29, 2021. The CSJ will offer up to 120,000 job opportunities for young Canadians which is a 50 percent increase from 2020. More employers and youth will be able to apply and benefit from the program.
Not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers, and private-sector employers with 50 or fewer full-time employees can apply at here. The program provides wage subsidies to employers to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years. Funded employers are not restricted to hiring students — all youth aged 15 to 30 years may be eligible participants

Carbon Taxes Rising
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that the Carbon Tax will be increased 566% in an effort to meet environmental targets. The federal cost will steadily increase from $30/tonne to $170/tonne beginning in 2023 (This is on top our existing $20/tonne provincial carbon tax.).
The Conservatives put forward a motion to stop the Liberals from raising taxes during the pandemic. Not only did the Liberals vote against our motion, but they are now raising the Carbon Tax even higher. This increase will mean that Canadians will pay more for groceries, home heating, and add up to 37.57 cents per litre to the cost of gas. There is no question we need to ensure Canada has clean land, clean air and clean water, but recovering from the pandemic will be difficult enough without having our taxes go up every year.

Volunteer Recognition, Special Events & Celebrations
Thanks to Arpan Khanna , GlobalMedic and Chhina family & friends for organizing 5000 pounds of food for the Calgary Food Bank during the holidays. Community service like this is what keeps our city and country strong. I was happy to help deliver as it took quite a few volunteers to lift that much food.
Have a special volunteer that you want to recognize? Maybe a special event or big birthday/anniversary coming up for a family member? Call or email my office and we will arrange for a certificate and letter to be delivered.

Provincial & Municipal Contacts
If you require assistance from your MLA, you can look up who represents you and their contact information here. For questions about provincial government programs and services, click here.
For assistance from your City Councillor, you can find your representative here. For general inquiries about City of Calgary services and requests for assistance, please call 311. If you’re not sure about who to talk to, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

There have been some changes to the COVID benefits that are available for Canadians.
• The Canada Recovery Benefit is available for Canadians who aren’t eligible for EI and have lost work due to COVID-19.
• The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit provides support for Canadians who need to take time off work because of they’re ill or needing to self-isolate.
• The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit supports Canadians unable to work because they’re caring for their child or dependents.
We Conservatives voted in favour of these new temporary measures and will continue to support programs that help Canadians in need. The special COVID-19 Benefits Finder tool allows you to determine what benefits you may be entitled to by answering a few easy questions.

Canada Job Bank
If you need help getting back to work, try accessing the jobs being listed on the government website, visit to see the latest opportunities. Hundreds of jobs are listed that are in our community and they offer Canadians with a wide variety of work experiences. The Canada Summer Job Bank listings are also put up here.
From the Mailbox
Here is a list of issues that I have heard about from constituents over the last month: delays in immigration processing, Bill C-6 on conversion therapy, Bill C-7 on changes to medical assistance in dying, gun control, COVID-19 (government programs and support, economic recovery, mitigation), energy, trade, ending homelessness, foreign affairs, cheaper internet, coal mining in the Rockies, the failures in the Phoenix pay system, COVID vaccines, healthcare, wildlife, fuel regulation, climate change, Palestine, environment, failures in long-term care, taxation, and aircraft noise.
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